
Showing posts from May, 2021


 "Let go", she said. "You know I can't." "But you have to." Her voice trying to hide the agony but failing miserably. "What if I don't want to?" "It's not your choice anymore. I am involved too. Remember?" "And how is that so? You decide what you want to do. I have decided to hold on to this." "And what is 'this' you are referring to? The pain?" "Maybe. But this pain is what proves me what I had was real." "So what I had wasn't?" Her agony is now dominated by humiliation. "Listen. What you want to do with your life is upto you. What I want to do with my life and my feelings is not your business, atleast not anymore" "You know why I am begging you to do so. YOU KNOW", her throat started choking up. "Please do not waste anymore valuable tears of yours on me" "And now you get to tell me what I should be doing?" "I am sorry. I can