
Showing posts from March, 2018

Wings Vs Ropes

How judgy are you? Seriously? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I am not questioning those fun moments you had with your friends and family while you playfully passed a comment or two about your colleague or your neighbor next door.  I am asking you how many times have you frowned upon an idea of someone's marriage or their choice of career or simply their lifestyle. We all have certain norms in our head about a 'Perfect lifestyle'. A lot of these have been laid down by how we were brought up and how our parents have fed our minds with whats right and whats wrong. We might have grown out of some and embraced a few unorthodox practices but have we opened up to a completely transformed modern society?                                       True that our backgrounds influence us a lot, but its highly recommended to draw a line somewhere. Just because your mom, grand-mom and your great grand-mom are successful at being homemakers, you are not expected to be