Millennial - Boon or Bane?

Packing for a trip to Florida : Time to shop rompers and shorts. Packing for a trip to in-laws : Can't wear anything too short or too tight. Yes. Both are my very own contradicting thoughts. True that I have to tailor my wardrobe and my thoughts accordingly but that doesn't mean I am compromising on anything. I am a millennial. Born to the generation X yet in the age of information, we look like a bunch of confused idiots to the world while in real or at-least according to me, are pretty balanced. We do respect elders but also live life on our own terms. We just know how to work with both sides of the coin. But clearly the rest of the world disagrees with that. Its depressing that even Google pops up articles such as 'Are millennials fu****?' or 'A Generation of Weakness' the minute we try taking its opinion. Why have qualms about our every step and decision? Don't we have anything to do with the progress of the world? There is an undoubted leap...