Yes! I have chosen the most important yet most neglected entity in the world (I am no exception btw) But before you or I start pondering about whether we fall into the category I just generalized, I would quote a forwarded message I read the other day which is the motivation behind this blog (apart from that other tiny reason: Boredom ;) ) . "Obama retired at 55 while Trump started at 70. We all have our own pace with life." How true! We often compare where we are in our lives with our peers and we end up being upset (atleast for most). Can't blame ourselves as this is how we were raised. As a child your parents were worried why you stand 2nd in class while you neighbor's kid always manages to secure 1st. They banged their heads against the wall to find out what they lacked in providing you with that Mr.Topoftheclass's parents didn't. Remember that weird adolescent age when you were already busy struggling with how things around you were changing so fa...