Yes! I have chosen the most important yet most neglected entity in the world (I am no exception btw) But before you or I start pondering about whether we fall into the category I just generalized, I would quote a forwarded message I read the other day which is the motivation behind this blog (apart from that other tiny reason: Boredom ;) ) . "Obama retired at 55 while Trump started at 70. We all have our own pace with life." How true!

We often compare where we are in our lives with our peers and we end up being upset (atleast for most). Can't blame ourselves as this is how we were raised. As a child your parents were worried why you stand 2nd in class while you neighbor's kid always manages to secure 1st. They banged their heads against the wall to find out what they lacked in providing you with that Mr.Topoftheclass's parents didn't.

Remember that weird adolescent age when you were already busy struggling with how things around you were changing so fast? You are no more encouraged to play with the boy you went to kindergarten with. Your uncle doesn't let you to sit on his lap anymore. You can't just drop by at a friend's house for just a chat coz she is a she while you are a he! As if that's not enough, you are now expected to choose a career. This one decision is so crucial and this is not just what you start with but "The decision". Not kidding. No Step 1. No failures tolerated. Whatever you opt to study now (at the most confusing phase of a human being's life) is exactly when you are supposed to lay a foundation for the next 60 years of your life. Seriously how lame! But that's not stopping your friends from taking "that" decision. So you better cope up. Did you even for a second thought "I'll take some time off. Look around, travel a bit, gather experiences and then decide?" Well, wake up from that dream where everyone will willingly smile at such a 'matured' thought. All you want is some time before you take the big step. But how can you be granted some while the world around you is moving with such pace?

Primary school - check. Secondary school - check. High school - done. College - graduated in flying colors. Job - bagged two even before graduation. What's next on the list? I am sure you had some pretty awesome experiences in the last 2 and a half decades of your life. But please don't lie when I ask you if you had enough 'time' to live and cherish every phase. One day when your kid couldn't be Mr.TopoftheClass, please remember you have been in their shoes and you do understand that irrespective of the numbers you see on their report card, they might manage a better future than you expect. All they need is some TIME!


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