The 'Reason' behind Adultery

There are innumerable reasons why a person might commit adultery. You and your other-half might be in a happy marriage and never understand why someone ended up cheating on their spouse, but what about those marriages which are not as happy as yours? You can suggest divorce as a way out of those unhappy relationships but how practical is that solution to someone with kids (where raising a child in broken families is not a choice) or even more importantly someone who lives in a conservative society? When a man or woman is married in a country like India, where majority are arranged marriages, they MIGHT not end up falling in love with each other. It doesn't specifically mean that only the arranged marriage couples end up in adultery but its one considerable reason. Even couples who married after falling in love could grow out of each other after a few years. If that 'spark' died between them, there is a very good reason they might try to search for it somewhere else, ...